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Salmon Pineapple Glaze

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Another make three times in a week recipe. Salmon season is June and July.





Mix sauce ingredients together. Boil then low simmer until reduced by 1/3.

Put salmon on plate, skin side up, and put in refrigerator, uncovered for one hour.

Take out salmon and get to room temperature; about 20 minutes.

Heat up oil on medium high until wisp of smoke.

Sear salmon for 2 minutes, skin side up, flip and cook 3 minutes or until barely rare in the middle. Serve with sauce on top.

Doug's Notes

Can be doubled for two filets. Use 1/4 cup pineapple and orange juice in place of pineapple and orange juices.

I usually make the sauce the night before so the flavors meld.

Putting the salmon in the fridge dries it out some so it does not stick to pan and browns nice.

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